Coparent App is a Social Justice Foundation NPO project | 165-06 NPC 2017/653567/08 with Section 18A status. To obtain your Section 18a certificate send email to

Child Maintenance | Blacklisting of defaulters - Anneke Greyvenstein weighs in

Child Maintenance Blacklisting of defaulters

Not paying child maintenance could result in a guilty party being blacklisted and unable to get credit.

The Justice Department has signed a Memorandum Of Understanding with the Social Justice Foundation and the Consumer Profile Bureau for the Maintenance Online Listing Project. The MOU will ensure that the details of defaulting individuals are handed over to the credit bureau and other credit providers. We speak to Executive Director of Social Justice Foundation, Anneke Greyvenstein for more.

Western Cape High Court directs Discovery Limited deduct funds from the annuity fund of a client who was in Child Maintenance arrears.

Discovery offices in Cape Town Picture Armand Hough Independent Newspapers

Recently, the Western Cape High Court directed Discovery Limited to deduct more than R29 000 from a client's existing retirement annuity funds. This is after he defaulted on paying child maintenance for his three minor children since late last year. This case has yet again brought to the fore the challenges faced by many South African parents in the process of applying and lodging a maintenance claim. To talk more about this and what the law says in relation to paying child maintenance, we are joined virtually by Seehaam Samaai, Director at the Women's Legal Centre.

Co-Parent App simplifies communication process and aims to avoid misunderstandings

The App is ideal for parents who are divorced, separated, do not live together, or who have busy schedules. Picture: Supplied

The App is ideal for parents who are divorced, separated, do not live together, or who have busy schedules. 


If you are divorced or separated and co-parenting a child, then you should know that it is not an easy task and comes with its own set of challenges. To be a good co-parent, you need to be able to effectively and respectfully communicate with the other parent, and the child’s needs should always be the first priority.

A proudly South African app called Co-Parent is aiming to simplify the communication process between parents. The Co-Parent app has the primary focus to facilitate and improve communication between parents, to ensure the best interests of the child are met.  This is ideal for parents who are divorced, separated, do not live together, or who have busy schedules.

Gedeelde Ouerskap met 'n nume app

’n Nuwe selfoon-app help geskeide ouers om die slaggate van mede-ouerskap te navigeer. Altesame 46% van Suid-Afrika se kinders woon by net een biologiese ouer. In baie van hierdie gevalle beteken dit jy het twee ouers wat in die eerste plek nie met mekaar oor die weg kon kom nie, wat nou oor ’n afstand moet saamwerk om ’n kind of kinders te versorg. Die meeste van hierdie ouers sal ruiterlik erken, dis verskriklik baie gevra.

Egskeiding en onderhoud - Daar is Hoop

Dis 'n kriminele oortreding as iemand versuim om onderhoud te betaal en tog ontvang talle mense nie die onderhoud wat hulle of hul kinders toekom nie. Dit
kan egter nou verander.





The Role of the Mediator in Mediation

Mediation in its simplest form is interactive communication between parties who are in conflict with one another. The aim and intent of mediation is
to enlighten the involved parties on how to deal with the issues at hand in order to reach an agreement on how to proceed.

Mediation Nov 2022 1

Mediation Nov 2022 2


Copyright © 2021 Co-Parent. All Rights Reserved. Coparent App is a Social Justice Foundation NPO project | 165-06 NPC 2017/653567/08 with Section 18A status.
To obtain your Section 18a certificate send email to

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