Loans and Financial Assistance for single mothers
Single Mothers Loans and Financial Assistance
Single mothers loans and financial assistance is available if you have bad credit and financial...
Read MoreSASSA grants
Being an anomaly among the developing nations, South Africa recognises the need to create an equitable society by wealth distribution. It does this by...
Read MoreCounseling Children Through Divorce
Divorce may be a common experience for today’s couples and families, but that doesn’t make it any less distressing for the families going through it–e...
Read MoreUnmarried mother's rights
Being an unmarried mother in South Africa does not mean that the father is exempt from his responsi...
Read MoreChild maintenance
Maintenance is the obligation to provide another person, for example a minor, with housing, food, clothing, education and medical car...
Read MoreDivorce Act
(1) In this Act, unless inconsistent with the context—
“court” means any High Court as contemplated in section 166 of the Const...
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